HP and Aruba switches that run on the ArubaOS platform are fairly simple to configure and setup if you are a little familiar with the Cisco IOS/IOS-XE style of doing things. It is worth noting that HP/Aruba are phasing out the ArubaOS in favor of the ArubaCX platform. This article does not cover ArubaCX which is very different.
Here are a couple of typical tasks that may need when configuring a switch.
write memory
This is done from Configuration Mode.
configure interface
logging <ip address>
ip dns domain-name "wirchbench.local"
ip dns server-address priority 1 <ip address>
ip dns server-address priority 2 <ip address>
sntp unicast
sntp server priority 1 <ip address/FQDN>
sntp server priority 2 <ip address/FQDN>
time daylight-time-rule continental-us-and-canada
time timezone -360
If your ssh/snmp traffic needs to take a different gateway, you can use this command to designate that default gateway. This is not the same as you setting a default gateway via ip route
ip default-gateway <ip address>
VLANs on HP/Aruba are treated very differently than Cisco. They use a tagged/untagged model. In Cisco switches, you create vlan from global configuration mode and then you tell the interface which vlan it is in if it is a access port. If it is trunk port, you say what vlans are allowed (defaults to all.) As shown below.
# Create VLANs
vlan 100
name my-vlan
vlan 101
name native-vlan
# Access Port
interface Gigabitethernet0/1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 100
# Trunk Port with a Native (untagged vlan) of 101
interface Gigabitethernet0/2
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 101
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100
On HP/Aruba Switches you create the VLAN and then tell the VLAN what ports you will tag traffic, and what ports you will NOT tag traffic, like a native VLAN.
Note: HP/Aruba just number their ports (1-48) instead of designating the port speed in the interface name.
# Create VLANs
vlan 100
name "my-vlan"
tagged 1-2,4
untagged 3
vlan 101
name "native-vlan"
untagged 1-2,4
In the configuration above, ports 1,2, and 4 will accept tagged traffic on vlan 100 but anything not tagged on port 3 will be put onto vlan 100 as it is the untagged (native) vlan on that port. Untagged (native) traffic on vlan 1,2, and 4 will go on blan 101.